Sunday, July 27, 2008

sesuatu yang tidak bisa saya percaya

apakah dia seorang gay?
tak taulah...
saya sampai sekarang sedang dalam tahap sulit percaya...
nanti saya teruskan lagi...
inih bos minta dibikin surat gugatan...
yang singkat padat jelas katanya...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

well...sudah 2 hari inih menikmati hawa Soerabadja yang tak bersahabat

akhirnya setelah melanglang buana menyusuri gang2 tikus dekat kos2an...
dirikuw bertemu dengan WARNET..
seperti melihat surga...
itu akhirnya bisa menupdate blog...
dan menulis tanpa harus gila karena tidak tersalurkan...
bisa buka FS...
bisa ceting , dr HP mahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhallll...
bisa melihat dunia luar...
bisa untuk sejenak tidak bergelut dengan jutaan surat subrogasi... brengsek:(
pengen pulang..kangen ibu, kangen huney, kangen rumah...
intinya tidak ada kasur senyaman kasur di rumah nomer 6 itwuuuuuuuuuuuh:(
GOD, send me back home...I miz my famm so much...

well...sudah 2 hari inih menikmati hawa Soerabadja yang tak bersahabat

cuma curhat2an belaka...
sebenarnya tidak terlalu pentin9...
kecuali bwat saya sendiri dan mun9kin beberapa orang yang namanya mungkin muncul dalam tulisan saya...

Friday, July 11, 2008

the reason why Brian marry Leighanne...I know now:)

so I'm proud of them...
no longer envy...
leighanne is a very powerfull women though she could follow Brian travelling around the world with Baylee in front of her, a bagpack in her back, alot of ticket in one hands, and meal purchase ticket in the other ones. She loves feed Baylee, she loves everything she has.
She can do it, and loves to do it.
That's why Brian marry her.
Huhuhuhu so jealous, but I'll do the same way too someday when I go walking down the age.
Loves three of you now.

these are what Leighanne wrote for us to share.

I've read all your comments, and just because I made the first bag out of a sheet doesn't mean they are made out of sheets now. I used a sheet to get a pattern. These bags are not made in a factory, or in China like most items that you purchase. These bags are made here in the US, made by actual people not machines and we only use the best fabrics. All of the bags are reversible so essentially you get two bags in one.
I have just recently started offering these bags that are not reversible for half the price! I carried these bags the whole time I was breast feeding and when I just needed a diaper bag I used the back pack, they have tons of room! The back packs I use for everything still! I use it not only for my bag, but it has room for all my son's things as well.
We have new items coming very soon. I hope you all give them a chance. It's hard to judge something without having actually tested it yourself.

After I had my son [Baylee Littrell], we started flying with him by the age of 3 months. I was breastfeeding at the time and used a breastfeeding pillow. I loved having the breastfeeding pillow on the plane with me because it was perfect for Baylee to sleep on as well as to feed him on. The only problem with this is that the pillow is a funny shape and I didn’t have a bag that would hold the pillow and all the other things that go into a diaper bag: diapers, baby wipes, medicines, etc.
So one day I bought a sewing machine (I never sewed on one in my life) and took a sheet and started making a bag. I made the pattern and started using the bag. Before long I worked out the kinks and viola, I had the perfect bag for me. People would give me compliments and I ended up making a few for gifts, and then started selling quite a few.
made this diaper bag a backpack for a reason. Often I would use a carrier to hold Baylee so I could have my hands free, not to mention that babies seem to really like them. And when we would travel, it was great to have him on my front and the diaper bag on my back. The diaper bag stays secure so when I lean over it doesn’t fall off my shoulder. I still have my arms free! Alas, I can still hold tickets, purchase food,……whatever and not have to put anything down or worry about holding Baylee.
God Bless
Leighanne Littrell

sumpaaaaaaaaaaaaah..... jadi pengen nangis saking terharunya baca inih...
padahal Brian bisa bayar 200 orang nanny bwat urus Baylee...


Who's More Successful: High School Geek, Jock or Class Clown?
By Rachel Zupek, Writer
Looking back on high school, some people's memories are fonder than others. Unfortunately for many teenagers, in the young, harsh minds of high schoolers, you're nothing without your social status. Consider the stereotypes. For example, if you were a popular cheerleader who was friends with everyone or a jock who captained every sporting team in school, your memories of those four years are probably glittered with parties, dates and crowns from school dances.
But, take the geek who kept to himself, except when helping others do their homework, or a self-proclaimed "teacher's pet," who spent her days helping teachers grade papers, and their memories are better aligned with being stuffed in lockers or having their heads dunked in a toilet.
Luckily for most of us, any reputation that existed in high school was left in the dust when we went to college. (Or so we thought.) Little did we know that X number of years later our high school status would affect our chosen careers. asked more than 6,000 full-time workers to categorize their high school personas in one of the following groups: student government, athlete, geek, honor society, cheerleader, drama club, teacher's pet or class clown. These personalities were then compared to job level, salary, industry and job satisfaction.
"Thirty-nine percent of workers age 30 and older said their high school experience had an influence on the job they hold today," says Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources at "While there are a variety of factors that determine one's career path, high school involves learning experiences inside and outside the classroom that can shape interests and personal networks at an early age. It's essentially a steppingstone into a world of opportunity."
So what was your status in high school? Read on to see if your persona matches the career you hold today.
Job levelIf you used to yell from the sidelines, chances are you're yelling at (or cheering for) employees from your corner office. Cheerleaders were more likely to hold a
vice president role than any other persona, according to the survey.
Twenty-four percent of those who were a teacher's pet or in student government serve in
director/manager/team lead positions. Former honor society members, athletes and geeks mostly hold professional and technical services positions at 59 percent, 55 percent and 52 percent, respectively.
IndustryDrama club and honor society members seemed to have more workers drawn into the
health-care community; drama clubs was also ranked as one of the highest among personalities in public administration/government.
While a large number of those in student government now hold jobs in
education, a greater number of cheerleaders reported going into the travel and insurance industries than other personas. More geeks reported holding jobs in engineering and retail, and teacher's pets were ranked as one of the highest groups in construction and banking and finance. Athletes were drawn to careers in transportation and class clowns seem more likely than others to pursue the manufacturing industry.
SalaryThe survey suggests that kissing up didn't get teacher's pets as far with their bosses as it did with their teachers. Thirty-seven percent of this persona reported earning less than $35,000 annually.
On the other end, 12 percent of former student government members are paid more than $100,000 per year. Ten percent of honor society members and 7 percent of athletes, geeks and class clowns, also make a six-figure salary.
Forty-seven percent of honor society members earn $50,000 or more, and 49 percent of student government personas earn the same salary.
Job and satisfactionHappiness seems to be a common denominator in most cheerleaders, so it's no surprise that they are the second- most-satisfied group when it comes to their jobs. Seventy-six percent of cheerleaders are happy in their current jobs, behind 81 percent of teacher's pets.
Geeks and class clowns were the most dissatisfied with their jobs, at 21 percent and 18 percent.
Rachel Zupek is a writer and blogger for She researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

coffee make me sick..sleepless.

but this is the one help me to think where should I put my life tomorrow morning when I open my eyes and say.. thanks Allah, I am still alive.

sleep luver that's me but I nearly shocking of...

because the pale coffee cup in my desk every 8 pm.
danm now for everything though.
dizzy, sneezing over time.
my head full of misery, pain and anger.
I'm sad but I couldn't cry.
I can't stay or I don't want to stay.
I should move, but I don't know where I should.
pain, mocking my self for good.

tan99al 14 Juli ini saia bolos untuk kesekian kali...

sumpah, saya tidak pernah menyangka hidup saia akan semakin sulit sajah .
halangan rintangan datang terus dan seperti menghilangkan segala kemungkinan untuk meninggalkan saia sendiri.
jadwal yang sudah saia susun untuk minggu2 inih.
1. besok, hari sabtu tanggal 12 Juli itu, saya pergi ke Surabaya untuk cr kos2an, terpaksa, karena saia di mutasi ke sana.
2. sekalian besok juga cari lokasi daftar ulang ujian pns depkeu.
3. Hari minggu saia istirahat dan packing pakaian yang akan saya bawa hari seninnya.
4. senin pergi ke surabaya lagi untuk daftar ulang depkeu.
5. selasa masuk kerja di Malang untuk terakhir kali.
6. sukses hijrah ke soerabadja dengan tragis.
itulah jadwal yang sudah saya susun dengan sedemikian rupa.
Supaya dijadikan periksa dan dilaksanakan. HUEKSSSSSSSSS.........

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

my daddy is sexy

tulisan ini tiba2 muncul di kepala dan ingin saya tulis.

saya sedang sangat HECTIC, tidak bisa fokus untuk melakukan sesuatu.


1.bulan Juli ini saya tidak akan di gaji

2.saya terancam males kos, dikarenakan tidak ada kepastian gaji.

3.orang tua tidak mau membantu saya merealisasikan rencana keberangkatan saya ke Soerabaja.

4.Huney lagi sibuk ngerjain seabrek kerjaan, tidak berani ganggu deh.

5.antara berangkat atau tidak ke Soerabaja.

baiklah...akhirnya setelah melanglang beberapa situs littrell familli, bayleefan, dan littrell2 yang lain. Saya mendapatkan foto2 Baylee dan ayahnya yang sexy itwuh tengah berjalan-jalan mencari makan siang di Jepang.

untuk memenuhi hasrat dan rasa penasaran anda, saya panjang fotonya disini,...

semakin ingin menikah dan punya anak sajah....huhuhuhuhuhuuhuh:)

huney hope you read this blog.

apakah saya harus juga pergi ke Garut.

pertanyaannya adalah apakah saya juga harus pergi ke Garut setelah banyak air mata tertumpah cuma sekedar pergi ke Surabaya?
tapi saya bisa punya masa depan yang cerah di sana.
yah seperti gaji yang lebih bagus, dan kesempatan mengembangkan karir.
tapi yah..
jauhnya itu lho yang bikin ga enak hati.
apakah saya juga harus pergi ke Jakarta untuk apply Telkomsel itu.
kalo Jakarta sih mending bisa ke rumah sodara.
lha kalo Garut, sama siapa coba?
well, cr kerja kok susyeh banget.
Pertamina, Telkomsel ato Pegadaian?
apakah saya boleh bingung?


well ternyata tidak cukup hanya dipikirkan semalaman.
hidup ini terus berjalan.
yang tidak bergerak akan dilibas habis.
yang diam akan digilas.
yah itulah...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hell, tawaran work as paralegal itu sangat menggiurkan …
Coba itung2 segala keuntungan :
1. bisa pulang tiap hari
2. deket sama keluarga
3. sama2 digaji
4. sesuai dengan background saia yang sarjana HUMOR
5. bisa ketemu nanda tiap hari
6. ga perlu mikir bayar kos
7. ga ada yang risih kalo jalan2 di rumah pake kutang doing
8. bisa maem masakan Ibu tiap hari
9. bangun sinag pas libur dah biasa
10. ga bakal ada yang ngomel kalo taruh CD kotor disembarang tempat
11. ga capek kangen
Kerugiannya :
1. Law firm di Malang ga bakal rame (seem like?)
2. jauuuuuuuuuuuuuh banget , perlu ganti angkot 6x setiap hari
3. harus mulai dari awal lagi (kenalan, adaptasi dll)
4. udah itu aja (untuk saat ini)
hayyah cari duit susssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...............

gettin9 married (someday when I am reach twentyfive something)

Getting married means you’ll have,
Someone hand to hold, even when you’re old.
It means that you can have some kids, just like mom and dad.
And play with them all afternoon, except when their bad.
It means that when you need some help, someone will help out.
Someone always near to you, so you won’t have to shout.
But best of all is when it’s time, to turn out all the lights.
You won’t have to be alone, those long and scary nights.
So even though you don’t have toys, you don’t have to scare.
Once you’re married you can be, each other’s teddy bear.

So when someday I walk a lon9 path to pursue a wonderful family, I will ask my Nanda to go with.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

siaul seragam baru yang sangat memaksakan diri bila dipakai ...
celana cowok bwat cewek...
hari ini saatnya berjuaang...
membetulkan celana itu dengan gratis...
hah... apalah arti hidup mengehemat seperti ini kalo setiap ke alfamart 5x seminggu selalu beli snack 10rb an...

10 dikali 5 sama dengan 50 rebu seminggu dikali 4 minggu sebulan sama dengan 200 rebu cuma bwat makanan kecil...

owh betapa saya ...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

apa jadinya kalo ninggalin Ibu sendirian di rumah...
dwuh kenapa harus cr kerjaan yang jauh dan ga bisa pulang kerumah tiap hari sih...
bikin males ajah...
ga bisa pake hot pants kaya biasa...
ga bisa jalan2 pake underwear doang...
di dapur bikin teh panas pake anduk doang (dan teteup no underwear)

dream life of Rand mcNally:)

believe or not ini lirik "saya" sekali...huahahahahahaha
Who is he, Mr. Rand Mcnally?I had I dream that mystery was me. Now who else could I be?I dreamed I went to England and met the spice girls there for teaThey lost one more they're down from four to my favorite number threeBut they're still quite spicy as the orange flavorAnd oh so nice to do me the favor and lick my icing under the table nowBut I gotta leave town mr. Nally, just as scary spice was about to go down on meAnd don't ask how mr. Nally and give up the towel mr. Nally and runI dreamed I went to Singapore got bored and robbed a liquor storeWhat for? Nobody knows I only took a couple of MarlborosOh but that was all they needed and the criminal was soon defeatedAnd now in jail I'm waiting for my punishment of caningSo I gotta think fast Mr. Nally watch your ass, wake up and laugh and run.Better Mr run, mr rand, mr mac, mr nallyMr run, mr man, you got the knack for the rally And runI had a chance to visit the north pole but it was way too cold to smokeOh my nose was freezing I should could do some coughing and wheezingSo I tried it anyway and the place went up in flamesHow was I suppose to know you could catch fire to the snowOh lord way to go mr nally, way to go, now you're melting the poles mr nally so run.I jumped ship in NYC and headed south to Washington DCDidn't think I'd go there but played some shows there fancy lucky meBut it is really slow there with our new president on TVToo many politicians and liberal Christians they're all set out for meSinging cast your vote mr nally, castrate your vote, no you don't, just runI thumbed a ride across the prairie, I got hitched in Vegas, yep, I got married To a lady who left me she thought it's be funny to gamble all my moneyAnd I got stranded without my clothes, a little bit of fear and loathing heart attackI got chased by the rat pack once in a flashback. Singing viva Las VegasI settled down in san diego and smoked a joint with java joeAnd with a grin he took me in, I spilled coffee on my chinand i played my show there and met my bitches and hoes thereand with my holy host they kindly let me shake my tail therebut one more thing before we go, there's never been any place quite like this homefor once in a life time maybe, i'd be foolish not to stay oh i got to get away mr. nally what can i say mr. nally.. run run run run run away mr. nally

blog ini adalah...

cuma curhat2an belaka...
sebenarnya tidak terlalu pentin9...
kecuali bwat saya sendiri dan mun9kin beberapa orang yang namanya mungkin muncul dalam tulisan saya...

tan9an gatel pen9en...

akhirnya saya harus berakhir di Surabaya...
setelah sekian lama berharap tidak per9i ke sana...
hate that city as I hate to eat papayas...
tanggal 14 Juli ini sekses sudah saya bakal di deportasi ke Surabaya setelah sebegitu nyamannya tinggal di Malang...
lahir, besar, keluarga, pacar, kenangan...semuanya ada di Malang...
berusaha sekuat tenaga agar cepet direkrut kerja di Malang...
tapi apa daya...

Soerabaja...I'll come...

ist time a9ain...for lon9 time waitin9 to write...

setelah ditolak nestle, gagal daihatzu, 9a dipanggil2 sama dozen of company I've applied for job. What now?

well, kemarin barusan di panggil ma WILMAR corp, tapi itu ju9a belon tentu.
banyak Chinese, batak dan or9 manado... Jawanya jaran9... mean sure banyak yan9 non-muslim dan aku berjilbab...

yah kalo belon rejeki ju9a mo diapain..
tapi yah....
tapi aku pen9en...

danm now Jkt.